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Novamid ID1070 - PA6 500g


  • £44.95

Novamid® ID1070 is a unique polyamide 6 filament originally developed as a specialty product to meet the demand for high-service levels in industries such as automotive and electronics. Novamid® ID 1070 is a very ductile, strong polymer suitable for harsh environments and high temperatures, up to 150°C, offering excellent layer-to-layer adhesion, strength and toughness compared to other 3D printing materials. The bridging performance of Novamid® ID1070 performance is unique and the high crystallinity of the polymer allows designs with overhangs.


General printing guidelines: 

Nozzle size: ≥ 0.4mm Layer height: ≥ 0.1mm * Flow rate: ± 100%
Print temp: ± 245 - 285° C * Print speed: Medium / High * Retraction: Depends *
Heat bed: ± 100 - 120° C * Fan speed: 0% Printing surface: PEI Sheet / DimaFix
Enclosed printer needed: Yes Heated Build Chamber: Yes Experience level: Expert

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