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EinScan-Pro 2X v2 * NEW SPEC


  • £5,275.00

EinScan Pro 2X Scanner is for scanning small to medium size objects, quickly and accurately. It users to rapidly capture the 3D data of the real objects to the computer, including human body as well as freeform surfaces and virtually any object.

  • High scan speed and efficiency: Numerous technical improvements mean that scan data can be quickly and efficiently.
  • Excels at small to medium object: The Pro 2X excels at capturing small to medium size objects, and makes sure no fine details will be missed.
  • Extreme versatility: The Pro 2X is able to meet the demands of a very wide range of applications, which is why it is such a cost-effective solution.

Outstanding Scan Performance

The Einscan Pro X2 boasts incredible speed and efficiency, allowing you to scan large objects in minimum time.

  • Scan Speed (Handheld Rapid Scan): 30 ftps (1,500,000 points/s)

The Pro X2 is also highly accurate, ensuring that fine details are captured every time.

  • Scan Accuracy (Fixed Scan): 0.04 mm 
  • Volumetric Accuracy (Handheld Rapid Scan): 0.1 mm + 0.3 mm/m 
  • Minimum Point Distance: 0.2 mm 

Highly Portable and User-Friendly

With a lightweight and compact size, you can easily take the EinScan Pro 2X Plus anywhere just like a laptop. Enjoy plug-and-play installation, so you’re up-and-running in no time!

  • Package Size: 37 × 36.5 × 13.5 mm
  • Weight: 1.13kg





Handheld HD Scan

Handheld Rapid Scan

Fixed scan with turntable

(with Add-on

Industrial Pack)

Fixed scan without turntable

(with Add-on

Industrial Pack)

Scan Accuracy

up to 0.05 mm

up to 0.1 mm

0.04 mm‪ (single shot accuracy)

0.04 mm (singel shot accuracy)

Volumetric Accuracy

0.3 mm/m (Markers Alignment)

0.3 mm/m (Markers Alignment)



Scan Speed

20 fps

100,000 points/s

7 data capture lines

30 fps

1,500,000 points/s

Single Scan: < 1 s

Single Scan: < 1 s

Point Distance

0.2 mm-2 mm

0.2-2 mm

0.16 mm

0.16 mm

Single Scan Range

135*100 mm——225*170 mm

Depth of Field

±100 mm

Working Distance

400 mm

Light Source


Align Mode

Markers Alignment

Markers Alignment, Fea-

ture Alignment (with rich

geometrical features on the

surface) , Hybrid Alignment

(Markers and Feature)

Turntable Coded Targets,

Feature, Markers, Manual


Markers, Feature, Manual


Texture Scan


Yes (with Add-on: Color Pack)

Yes (with Add-on: Color Pack)

Yes (with Add-on: Color Pack)

Outdoor Operation

Set up the shelter or cover to avoid direct sunlight

Special Objects for


For the transparent, highly reflective or some dark objects, please spray powder before scanning

Printable Data Output

Able to export watertight 3D model directly to 3D printing

Output Formats

OBJ , STL , ASC , PLY , P3, 3MF

Scanner Body Weight

1.13kg (include the USB3.0 cable)

Supported OS

Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, 64 bit

PC Requirements

Display card: NVIDIA GTX770 or higher; Video memory>4G; CPU: i7 or higher; RAM: 16G or higher; USB 3.0



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